“A journey of research, though aimed at reaching the core, but might find circling at a point of no return and the core is never known.”

Life divides itself into various forms, that gradually opens to a pool of knowledge, then develops into a pattern which ignites a sense to utilize the benefits and value it, also bringing forward to the mass through a simplistic study for them to reap as well. The simple form of study extracted out from a complex matter is what we call as “Research.”


“A step towards the idea, paves way towards success.

Gatta Tech comes from a story that began in 2016, when we decided that we would be taking up the solid waste management issue seriously. Dealing with over 100 tons of waste, we decided with the help of our research that shrinking this waste would be the best option to have rapid clean-up, support the flora and fauna, provide a solution for the waste and beautify the city. This solution opens a new area to explore and mold this misinterpreted word called waste. Gatta Tech opens up a new sector that can provide ample employment right from dealing of waste to manufacturing it into bricks, pillars, rods, beams etc. The formulation designed in this process is opened to introduce several other powdered waste products to achieve positive results.

Gatta Tech is all open for a new beginning.

Why is Gatta Tech so important?

As we all know, the human/industrial activities and its ruthless consumption from the reserves of this planet has led to an obnoxious imbalance and the measures to fight them are acted upon a very slow rate. The formula of Gatta Tech can be acted upon very early with proper machineries and man power and can clean up 70% of the ugliest waste.


Here we are going to share some scenarios/data upon which the process was conducted.


Tile: (Year: 2021)

(Waste Collected From Baikampady Industrial Area, Mangalore)

Material used – waste plastic and by-product of a manufacturing industry.

Equipment’s used – vessel, firewood, spatula, some crushing rod/blade (machinery) to powder landfill waste.

  • Mixer/Blender with heater or heating facility.
  • Tool to transfer the mixture.
  • Moulds
  • Compressor/Jockey, Weighing scale.
  • Cooling Pot.
  • Polish Mill/Cutting Grinding Mill.


Here the process was conducted with the instructions mentioned in the project report of Gatta Tech.

Results: As per Bureau Veritas, Mangalore.

  • Dimension of the specimen (mm) : 200.0 x 200.0 x 40.0
  • Cross sectional area ( : 40000
  • Weight (kg): 1.53
  • Failure Load (KN) : 875
  • Compressive Strength (kg/cm2): 223.06

Test sample did not fail & no visual cracks observed even after piston reached maximum level of CTM.

Note: This product is completely hand-made and we have attached pictures for viewing.

Cube (1) : (Year 2023)

Material Used:

  • Powder -1.5 kgs
  • Plastic – 1.75 kgs
  • Total – 3.25kgs

Equipment’s Used:

Vessel, firewood, spatula, some crushing rod/blade (machinery) to powder landfill waste. Mixer/Blender with heater or heating facility.

  • Tool to transfer the mixture.
  • Moulds.
  • Compressor/Jockey, Weighing scale.
  • Cooling Pot.
  • Polish Mill/Cutting Grinding Mill.
  • Hand pressed mould.

Final Weight of the block: 2.720 kgs

Observations: Collected plastic waste and debris from river side (Kuloor, Mangalore)

Note: This product is completely hand-made and we have attached pictures below for viewing.

Cube (2) : (Year 2023)

Material Used: Powder

  • (Contaminated) – 1.48 kgs
  • Plastic (Contaminated) -2.64 kgs
  • Total Weight – 4.12 kgs

Equipment’s Used:

Vessel, firewood, spatula, some crushing rod/blade (machinery) to powder landfill waste. Mixer/Blender with heater or heating facility.

  • Tool to transfer the mixture.
  • Moulds.
  • Compressor/Jockey, Weighing scale.
  • Cooling Pot.
  • Polish Mill/Cutting Grinding Mill.
  • Hand pressed mould.

Final Weight of the block: 3.270 gms

Observations: Collected plastic from Forest. (Kinnigoli, Dakshin Kannada)

Note: This product is completely hand-made and we have attached pictures below for viewing.

Cube (3): (Year 2023)

Material Used:

  • Powder - 1.6 kgs
  • Plastic – 3 kgs
  • Total Weight – 4.6 kgs

Equipment’s Used:

Vessel, firewood, spatula, some crushing rod/blade (machinery) to powder landfill waste. Mixer/Blender with heater or heating facility.

  • Tool to transfer the mixture.
  • Moulds.
  • Compressor/Jockey, Weighing scale.
  • Cooling Pot.
  • Polish Mill/Cutting Grinding Mill.
  • Hand pressed mould.

Final Weight of the block: 3.530 kgs

Observations: Collected waste from village illegal landfill areas. (Around Mangalore)

Note: This product is completely hand-made and we have attached pictures below for viewing.


Gatta Tech has a very promising scope into the current construction industry and creates new channels into designing this product to its value. This new beginning will be able to provide employment at a very large scale in nearly all sectors and also push minds into a new direction to shape creativity with other material so far known as ‘Waste’.

(More detailed information is documented in the Gatta Tech project report and is ready for viewing)

"The balance of the ecosystem can be restored through a healthy mind and body"