Urjita Parkar

(Founder & Director)

After completing formal education with a degree in science, made a complete shift and changed tracks to join advertising as a career. Spent a few years working in different ad agencies and then gave birth to Breathing Space, a creative ad agency. Breathing Space started on a clean slate followed by clients from various sectors like real estate, hospitality, education, Healthcare, fmcg, media firms, ngo etc.

Breathing Space as the name suggests created idea led creative work with an influencing visual presence and won many international awards and recognition too. The organic extension of this unique set up led to co-founding Koba Space designing. Koba is India’s only creative space designing set up also offering end to end execution service. The clientele ranges from cafe to corporate offices, co-working spaces and small innovative spaces. Each space designed is unique and to the brief to bring in brand stories inside the spaces. The Koba client network steadily spread out of India too.

Over the years, there was a search within for a clean and sustainable living. This led to discovering the vegan way of life.

During the COVID-19 period, with ample time to discover, it made me learn and experiment with food, health, healing, consciousness and experiment to unimaginable heights. Then arose the need to go deeper and share this rich learning with the society through “The Coriander Cave”. The Coriander Cave was a call in waiting. Our planning, research, innovations, solutions are derived only from the simple conversations with and clues from Mother Nature.

Marvin Fernandes

(Co-founder & Chief Innovator)

After ample education, began working in various small B.P.O’s, food industries (worked on and off during formative years as well), recruitment offices, events and worked as a volunteer in many sports, cultural and environmental events in early days of school and college.

Joined the Crude oil industry in the early 20’s and worked for 6-7 years at a stretch and during holidays use to leisure travel across India as per work and off schedule. During this time, I developed a passion and educated myself on machinery, deep sea formation, crude oil well structure, different sea bed formations and the structure of crude oil presence, high tech sensored machinery operations, personal survival techniques, heat management, human rescue operations, human brain and behavioural psychology, deep sea air travels, Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) zone (escape and rescue), learning deep sea (marine) solid/ food waste management, fire fighting/safety, helicopter escape under water techniques, essential oil and it’s various benefits and lot more.

Later, after moving away from off shore life, I introduced myself into solid waste management issues on land as a social cause and there began my journey of beautiful organisation “Nature’s Guardians”. This being a non-profit NGO, the objectives were pretty simple, we engaged ourselves into the

development of the weaker sectors and to support the cause financially. I started using my essential oil study into perfume making and opened a firm. Simultaneously, we have cleaned up more than 100 tonnes of contaminated plastic waste from the coastal areas, cleared few landfills to improve hygiene, planted and distributed over 20,000 saplings, cleaned and protected mangroves and the effected neighbouring areas, animal nurturing, worked towards the development of the tribal communities and under privileged, involved in collection and segregation of E-waste, collaborated with different organisations and institutions such as police department, municipal department, N.C.C, N.S.S, schools, colleges, religious institutions, social activists, scientists, professors, forest department, etc. We have extended immense support towards the floods and other natural calamity affected victims in these many years.

During the social service period, my time has also been spent in Himalayas, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala learning and understanding the ways of the wild, traditional recipes, old medicinal therapies and their source in the forests, communication with the wild, plant-based and minimalistic lifestyle and most important of all the void that has been created by humans that effects the wild to a large scale and also conducting over 500 live musical therapy sessions across India with old and new instruments to spread peace and joy.

development of the weaker sectors and to support the cause financially. I started using my essential oil study into perfume making and opened a firm. Simultaneously, we have cleaned up more than 100 tonnes of contaminated plastic waste from the coastal areas, cleared few landfills to improve hygiene, planted and distributed over 20,000 saplings, cleaned and protected mangroves and the effected neighbouring areas, animal nurturing, worked towards the development of the tribal communities and under privileged, involved in collection and segregation of E-waste, collaborated with different organisations and institutions such as police department, municipal department, N.C.C, N.S.S, schools, colleges, religious institutions, social activists, scientists, professors, forest department, etc. We have extended immense support towards the floods and other natural calamity affected victims in these many years.

During the social service period, my time has also been spent in Himalayas, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala learning and understanding the ways of the wild, traditional recipes, old medicinal therapies and their source in the forests, communication with the wild, plant-based and minimalistic lifestyle and most important of all the void that has been created by humans that effects the wild to a large scale and also conducting over 500 live musical therapy sessions across India with old and new instruments to spread peace and joy.


(Director )

I’m an artist and was born on the second day of the new year. I studied for a few years in a school based on liberal arts and Waldorf philosophy.

I’m a self-made painter, and have been painting since the age of 3. I’ve never received any formal education in art.

I’ve played professional lawn tennis for about 10 years.

Using the freedom of being a home schooler, I’ve had ample time to understand, identify and realize what was best for me.

Moving forward in life, I decided to introspect on how food affects the body functioning and then moved into being a vegan in a short span and now I enjoy the benefits of living a plant-based lifestyle.

With this lifestyle and my home schooling background, I was interested in joining the Coriander Cave family and also contribute towards the betterment of Mother Nature.

"The balance of the ecosystem can be restored through a healthy mind and body"